Things you need to know about chrome browser part-2

Chrome is not just a browser it holds lots of inside see some of them...

Use your Chrome Browser as Notepad

Just copy the text below to the address bar and paste in on URL.....
data:text/html, <html contenteditable> or click on Notepad.

  • Search for Google Underwater Google Underwater,Search for “google underwater” and get some underwater searching experience.

See what else is  hidden in chrome
  • Search for Zerg rush.
  • Search for Tilt.
  • Search for Google in 1998 You can type any year and this will change Google into that time’s Google.
  • Search for Barrel roll
Type “do a barrel roll” and your whole screen will start rolling.
  • Search for Google gravity,Search “google gravity” and google will show the effect of gravity.

Disable internet on chrome.
  • Right-click anywhere and select inspect or click on  Ctrl+ Shift+I.
  • Now go to Network and click on offline at the right last corner.

When Shopping online airline, Hotel Tickets, use incognito mode on your browser, because the prices will tend to increase as you visit the page repeatedly, trust me I've faced many times.
To go incognito mode just press Ctrl+ Shift+N.
