Top 20 excellent shortcuts, only few knows

Speedup your work using shortcuts
Excel shortcuts always helps in fast working

01:-  Shift between two Excel files

If you are working in multiple excellent file and you need to switch from one to another then you use Ctrl + Tab but this will show all the open tabs, but you need to shift only excel tabs so just.................

                       Simply just hit Ctrl + Tab 


02:-Insert Numbers starting with 0

When you try to insert any number starting with 0 excellent will just show allow you to show the valid number instead on 0 added before that number, but if you wan to add 0 before numbers ,in the cell........

simply start typing after comma  '

 03:- Add multiple Rows or columns

Just Select Multiple rows and insert using right click & by selecting insert.

 04:- Paste the Row data in Columns

Just Select and Copy your  data & Paste using Transpose option from excel paste options in below picture.

 05:- Edit the current Working Cell

To edit the current working cell just click on F2 button.

 06:- Key Tips or new shortcuts on the ribbon 

Alt button is the key that displays the Key Tips or new shortcuts on the ribbon of Microsoft Excel. 

07:- Strike it 

Select the cell & hit Ctrl+5

For those who like to finish the task on the list and strike it off, the shortcut Ctrl + 5 will do the job effectively.


08:- Right-Click in the cell without mouse

Select the cell & hit Shift + F10

The shift + F10 shortcut functions like the right-click on the mouse, opening up the menu for use.


09:- Insert A total Sum

Select the row & hit Alt + Equals key.


10:- Insert current time in a selected cell
Select the Cell & hit ctrl + shift + Semicolon (;:)


 11:- Insert current date in a selected cell  

select the cell & hit Ctr + Semicolon (;:)


 12:- Select entire column   

Select any of the cell & hit Ctrl + Spacebar


 13:- select entire Row

Select nay of the cell & hit Shift + Spacebar


14:- Select EntireExcel sheet data

Simply Just click on right upper corner between row & columns, as shown in below image. 

15:- Hide a column  

select the column and hit Ctrl + )0 key.


 16:- Hide a column  

select the column and hit ctrl  )9


 17:- Start a new line in a cell 

Just hit Alt + Enter


18:- Show or Hide Formula 

Just hit  Ctrl +  ~


19:- Back to the Beginning 

When working on the excel spreadsheet,the Home button on the keyboard conveniently takes the user back to the beginning of a row with just a click.

20:  Automatic get save option

Nothing can be more frustrating than the hard work lost when the you fails to save the file, especially if it is data entered on Spreadsheet. The right thing to do is use the shortcut F12 which brings up the save as option for the file.
